 Terrorists, banditry activities in Northwest have reduced – Shehu Sani Shehu Sani, a former Kaduna Central Senator, has disclosed a decrease in the activities of terrorists and bandits in the Northwest. Sani said the recent killings of some top terrorists’ leaders could have been responsible for the decrease. Posting on X, the former lawmaker wrote: “In the last few weeks, there is a noticeable decrease in terrorist and banditry attacks and kidnappings in the North Western parts of this country. “The elimination of some of the top terrorist leaders must have been responsible.This is commendable and should be sustained.” In the past weeks, notable bandit leaders have been killed in the North. Those eliminated include- Haliru Kachalla Sububu or Buzu, Kachalla Tukur Sharme (killed by rival gang), Sani Black, another prominent bandit leader, killed along with his brother and two children, Kachalla Makore, Kachalla Mai Shayi Kachalla Tsoho Lulu and Mai’Yar Gitta. Gitta lost his life after


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 1. I welcome you all to Abuja for the COAS Combined Second and Third Quarters Conference 2018. The Conference is to enable us appraise the NA’s current operational, administrative and logistics activities as well as the developing security situation across the country. This is with a view to fashioning out better ways the NA can contribute to peace, economic growth and national development in Nigeria. Firstly, I want to thank all the members of the organizing committee of the Nigerian Army Day Celebration 2018 for the successful conduct of the event.
2. In this administration, the NA has continued to remain steadfast in the discharge of its constitutional responsibilities as well as providing aid to civil authority. My vision for the NA which is “To Have a Professionally Responsive Nigerian Army in the Discharge of its Constitutional Roles” requires us all to ensure that we conduct our operations and constitutional duties professionally. It is also a call to us to be responsive in addressing the unfolding events relating to security which is our obligation to the country.
3. I want to reiterate that the NA will remain resolute and steadfast in tackling the security challenges confronting our country. Hence, I have directed that adequate attention must be given to sustain and improve the tempo of all ongoing NA operations across the country to curb any threat decisively. Commanders are to ensure that purpose oriented training are carried out to continuously improve operational and administrative proficiencies of formations and units. Furthermore, Research and Development must be taken seriously in order to chart the progressive paths of innovation and development to combat contemporary security challenges.
4. The ongoing operations in different parts of the country to curtail the activities of Boko Haram Terrorists, farmers-herdsmen clashes, armed banditry, cattle rustling, kidnapping, pipeline vandalism and militancy among other crimes have witnessed tremendous achievements. I want to emphasize that these successes must be sustained and consolidated. I therefore urge you to bring your ingenuities to bear on your duties. Furthermore, commanders at all levels are to be more actively involved in pursuing the desired goals of the NA.
5. The NA has launched Op LAST HOLD in the North East to completely degrade the Boko Haram Terrorist group around Lake Chad region and to facilitate the return of the internally displaced persons to their homes. The operation is still ongoing and is achieving the set objectives. Additionally, the security situation in the North West and North Central particularly around some parts of Kaduna, Zamfara, Benue, Plateau and Taraba states have necessitated the deployment of troops by the NA, sister Services and other security agencies to put a stop to wanton destruction of lives and properties. I want to urge the field commanders not to relent on their efforts to ensure effective synergy amongst the security agencies within their respective Area of Responsibility to achieve desired end-states.
6. As part of efforts to complement the defence and arrangements put in place to checkmate the security challenges in the country, I directed the establishment of 17 Bde in Katsina. I also directed the establishment of the NA Cyber Warfare Command to explore the cyber dimension to warfare and other military operations. Others are the re-establishment of NA Special Project under the office of the COAS and establishment of FOB in Epe among others. Furthermore, Headquarters 8 Div and 1 Bde have been relocated to their permanent headquarters in Sokoto and Zamfara States respectively as provided in the NA ORBAT 2016 while 123 SF Bn has also been established to complement the efforts of 707 SF Bde. The NA must continue to be proactive and decisive to ensure safety of Nigerians wherever they may reside.
7. It is imperative to note that the unity and territorial integrity of Nigeria lies with the military and the NA in particular. Therefore, we must brace up to this onerous task which can only be borne with effort. Let me remind all commanders that, as a command responsibility, necessary steps must be taken in all circumstances to prevent any act that is inimical to the corporate existence, unity and stability of the country. I must add that any lapse in this regard would not be condoned. Therefore, as political activities unfold towards the 2019 General Elections, GOCs and Field Commanders at all levels are enjoined to continue to remind officers and soldiers under their command to remain non-partisan and be guided by the stipulated code of conduct in the discharge of their duties.
8. As professional soldiers, none of us should be sympathetic to any political, religious or ethnic cause. Any personnel of the NA who is interested in politics should voluntarily retire from the NA to pursue his/her political passion. Furthermore, I wish to remind all on the prohibition of NA personnel from any form of worship outside the established barracks worship areas, except those permitted for wedding and some peculiar social functions. I want to reiterate that the Special Court Martial to try defaulters is already in place. I enjoin you all to observe the codes of conduct guiding military personnel and thus refrain from any occult, ethnic, political or religious extremism as these would distract us from our enshrined constitutional responsibility as professional soldiers.
9. I am aware of the logistics constraints affecting our operations across the country particularly Op LAFIYA DOLE. I am glad to inform you that the President, Commander-in-Chief has assured that all our requests will be given priority and expeditious approval I therefore want to emphasize that kitting, protective gear, additional equipment/platforms, accommodation, welfare and other logistics provisioning would be one of my top priority in the procurement plan for the fourth quarter of the year. I must add that it is a command responsibility to ensure good maintenance of equipment and sound administration as well as the welfare of troops and their families. I have noted that these are sometimes lacking in some commands and such attitude must change. The Army Headquarters will continue to provide the needed logistics for all ongoing operation. Commanders must also ensure the maintenance and serviceability of equipment in their charge.
10. In order to enhance our growing Military Industrial Complex and boost local production, the NA is collaborating with some international and indigenous companies in the local production of helicopters, UAVs, radios, vehicles, weapon and equipment spares as well as combat materiel. The companies include SAT-COM NAMIBIA, NTRC PAKISTAN, Innoson Vehicle Motors, Proforce Nigeria Limited and Nigerian Machine Tools amongst others. This is in line with the Federal Government’s drive to boost local content patronage which holds a very good prospect.
11. In the military, good leadership remains a fundamental factor in achieving effective command and control at tactical, operational and strategic levels. It is therefore highly desirable rather than essential for NA training institutions to give leadership training the desired attention. You are all aware of the weak leadership by some junior commanders and its impact on the conduct of operations. I challenge all our training institutions to make deliberate efforts to change this tide.
12. In the second quarter of the year, the NA in conjunction with the US Army Africa successfully co-hosted the African Land Forces Summit which had in attendance over 43 Army Service Chiefs within Africa, as well as Army/Defence Staff from the USA, Brazil, Canada, France, UK and NATO. The theme of the summit which was “Unity and Strength: Combating Africa’s Security Challenges,” provided an opportunity for African Army Chiefs and Defence experts to discuss operations and strategies that would strengthen African defence cooperation and security.
13. It is my delight to note the growing bilateral relationship between Nigeria and South Africa which dates back to the apartheid era in South Africa. This good relationship evidently extended to the Armed Forces of the 2 countries. The Nigerian Army and the South African Army have enjoyed cordial bilateral relations over the years. This brought about the visit of the Chief of the South African Army to Nigeria as fallout of a similar visit I paid to the Republic of South Africa from 20 – 26 January 2018. It is gratifying to note that the visits have fostered agreements to improve cooperation in the areas of intelligence sharing, training to enhance military professionalism, training of Special Forces troops as well as participation as observers in major training exercises to improve proficiency of the armies. It is our hope that this would form the basis for greater relationship for mutual benefits to the Armies.
14. The issue of drugs and other substance abuse is an area that could pose serious threat to the operational capabilities and effectiveness of the NA if extra commitment and dedication are not taken towards eliminating it. There is the need for commanders to be more proactive in identifying the perpetrators of drugs and substance abuse and applying the right sanction to serve as deterrence to others. Furthermore, the NA Medical Corps should reinvigorate its efforts at providing the necessary enlightenment, guidance and counseling particularly to the troops in the operation areas.
15. In order to develop professionally responsive female officers and soldiers that can be employed to support the NA in all its operational engagements and other commitments within and outside the country, the Nigerian Army Women Corps has been established. The objective is to reorganize the women in order to derive the maximum benefit from their contribution to the defence and security architecture of our country. It is also meant to exploit the inherent competencies and capacities of the female officers and soldiers to meet the contemporary security as well as operation environment in line with best military practice. It would also enable them to aspire to get to the peak of their career without inhibition.
16. I want to once again implore all commanders to brace up to the challenges that come with leadership. Some recent developments in our ongoing operations, particularly Op LAFIYA DOLE tends to test our wits in this direction, but we must not relent despite those setbacks. We should remember that the hallmark of a great military leader is to turn setbacks to victories. We should all strive to make our impacts felt at this crucial time and not allow the hands of progress to be pulled down. I expect to see effective leadership at all levels of command which must permeate down the ladder.
17. At this juncture, I want to appreciate the media and the general public for their continued support, understanding as well as positive change of opinion regarding the NA. I want to solicit your continued cooperation in combating our security challenges by conscious media reportage in the interest of national security which should be paramount to us all. The NA pledges her unflinching support to the Services and other security agencies in ensuring a safer and secured environment in the country. We look forward to more support and closer collaboration as we all strive to defend the territorial integrity and uphold the honour of our dear country.
18. Finally, I want to express the NA’s profound appreciation to the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR, for his invaluable understanding and support to the NA. On behalf of all officers and soldiers of the NA, I want to humbly reassure Mr President of our commitment to the defence of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. On this note I hereby declare the COAS Combined Second and Third Quarters Conference open.
Thank you all and God bless.
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