 Terrorists, banditry activities in Northwest have reduced – Shehu Sani Shehu Sani, a former Kaduna Central Senator, has disclosed a decrease in the activities of terrorists and bandits in the Northwest. Sani said the recent killings of some top terrorists’ leaders could have been responsible for the decrease. Posting on X, the former lawmaker wrote: “In the last few weeks, there is a noticeable decrease in terrorist and banditry attacks and kidnappings in the North Western parts of this country. “The elimination of some of the top terrorist leaders must have been responsible.This is commendable and should be sustained.” In the past weeks, notable bandit leaders have been killed in the North. Those eliminated include- Haliru Kachalla Sububu or Buzu, Kachalla Tukur Sharme (killed by rival gang), Sani Black, another prominent bandit leader, killed along with his brother and two children, Kachalla Makore, Kachalla Mai Shayi Kachalla Tsoho Lulu and Mai’Yar Gitta. Gitta lost his life after





The Federal Government has restated it's determination to eradicate statelessness by 2024. This position was stated by the Minister of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, Friday, during the launching and inauguration of high power steering committee on National Action Plan on eradication of statelessness in the country.
The Minister argued that statelessness which diminishes human dignity does not
 exist even in the animal kingdom. 

"Stateless persons usually have no legal protection and no right to vote. They lack access to education, employment, healthcare, registration of birth, marriage or death and property right. They are vulnerable to exploitations and human trafficking, Aregbesola said"

He added that statelessness is a global challenge in which Nigeria is playing a leading role in eradicating and has been acting in concert with other nations to find solution.

Aregbesola affirmed that Nigeria is a signatory to various international treaties, conventions or declarations relating to the status of stateless persons and eradication of statelessness in West Africa.

He said " the endorsement of protocols on eradication/reduction of statelessness by 2024 prompted Nigeria to develop and domesticate her own National Action Plan to put an end to statelessness in Nigeria.

The Minister reiterated that the action plan was approved by the Federal Executive Council on 25th November, 2020.

"Ministry of Interior under my watch as the focal Ministry on implementation of National Action Plan (NAP) to end statelessness in Nigeria will partner with relevant MDAs, the National Assembly, civil right society, state governments, UNHCR, academicians etc towards speedy and timely implementation of the plan".

In his opening remarks, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Dr. Shuaib Belgore, briefly defined statelessness as a person who has no national identity, he added that it is an unfortunate situation to the affected persons.

Dr. Belgore, identified factors that lead to statelessness in countries, as displacement by war, natural disaster, conflicts of law and migration.

The event was grace by key stakeholders, including Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, Hajiya Sadiya Umar Faruq, Minister of Women Affairs, Dame Pauline Tallen, Director Citizenship and Business, Mrs. Moremi Soyinka-Onijala and other Directors of the Ministry of Interior and other Ministries.

Afonja Fatai Ajibola.
DD Press ( Press and Public Relarion Unit).

Gentlemen of the press, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to be at this press briefing and to assure Nigerians of their security as it is saddled with the Ministry of Interior.
The Ministry supervises four paramilitary agencies. These are the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), Nigerian Correctional Service (NCoS), Federal Fire Service (FFS) and the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC). These agencies are presided over by a board within the Ministry.
The mandate of the Ministry that cruxes on security can be outlined broadly into:
i. work with the armed forces to end insurgency in the North East, banditry in the North West and other forms of insurgency in Nigeria
ii. secure Nigeria’s territorial waters and end piracy in the Gulf of Guinea
iii. protect Nigeria’s oil installations on and offshore
iv. develop and maintain central security database between all security agencies
v. ensure full implementation of the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) in the armed forces
vi. develop an effective and functional defence industry
vii. actively collaborate with the private sector to create a large number of well-paying jobs for Nigerian youths and;
viii implement a strategy towards the realisation of Mr President’s June 12, 2020 promise to take 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in the next 10 years.
The nation has faced and continues to face security challenges all over the country, whose origin mostly preceded the Muhammadu Buhari administration.
These are insurgents in the North East, bandits in parts of the North West and North Central, militants in the South South, separatists in the South East and ritual killers in the South West. All over the country, we have constant attacks on pipelines, electricity cables and other critical national infrastructure, crude and refined oil theft, kidnapping for ransom and farmers-herders clashes.
The security agencies rose to this challenge and largely degraded the groups and persons constituting the threats. What we face mostly are flashes of cowardly attacks from the rumps of groups that have been routed in one location, moving to another to give the false impression that they are still strong. Our ultimate goal is to eliminate them altogether and restore total and lasting peace over every inch of Nigerian soil.
We have been doing this and will continue to do so through the operations of the four agencies under the Ministry. These are:
The NSCDC whose core mandate is to protect critical national assets and infrastructure continues to distinguish itself in the areas which include but not limited to:
Safeguarding Critical National Assets and Infrastructure (CNAI).
Supervision of Private Guard Companies (PGC).
Disaster Management.
Provision of physical security to farmers, farmlands and other Agro-Allied Investments in the country.
The Corps has also commenced a reform process aimed at repositioning the private guards industry for better performance.
It is imperative to state that it has been actively involved and is indeed a component part of all the Joint Task Forces set up to address the insecurity situation in the country such as:
• Operation Hadin Kai in the Northeast​
• Operation Sharan Daji in the Northwest
• Operation Whirl Stroke in the North Central
• Operation Awatse in the South West
• Operation Python Dance in the South East
• Operation Safe Haven in the Plateau State
• Operation Delta Safe in the Niger Delta Region
• Operation Crocodile Smiles in the Niger Delta Region,among others.
In the course of its operation from January 2022 till date, the NSCDC has made 501 arrests, prosecuted 452 cases, out of which 49 resulted in convictions. It has also destroyed 71 illegal refineries. Just last week, eight gunboats procured for the agency were commissioned in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, to tackle the security challenges to critical national assets and infrastructure in the area.
In its bid to regulate and standardise the operations of private security companies, this year alone, it has licenced 62 new companies while 41 applications are pending. It has sealed 82 companies that did not live up to standard and unsealed 40 that complied. A total of 587 licences have been renewed within the same period.
The NSCDC continues to gather intelligence and share with the relevant agencies and institutions.
It has also established Transport Marshalls, in conjunction with the Ministry of Transportation, to provide physical security to transportation infrastructure in the Aviation Sector, Road Sector (including bus terminals), the Rail Sector and Marine Sector. It established a Special Female Squad to provide security in the school environment in response to Government’s “Safe School Initiative”
To boost its manpower, the Ministry recently carried out recruitment into the NSCDC in a very transparent manner, which won plaudits for it across the nation.
The NSCDC will continue to work with other security agencies for the security, protection and safety of the lives and property of Nigerians.
The core mandate of the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) is border security, although this also involves ancillary services like the Nigerian passport and visa issuance. The NIS has therefore continued to maintain excellent security cover across the nation’s borderlines of over 5,037 kilometres, including the Blue Borderlines.
Determined to ensure enhanced migration management and border security, the NIS enabled a modern border management tool, the Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS) across the nation’s major airports, sea and land borders. This has enabled the Service to maintain robust demographic and psychographic data of all entries into or exits from the country at any given point in time. This has remained very helpful in migration trends analysis and national security monitoring and planning. With its linkage to the INTERPOL database and i-24/7 radar, NIS is now able to upload reported lost and stolen passports and trace and track cross border criminals and their activities. It has continued to deploy this asset to aid other sister security agencies such as the DSS, EFCC, ICPC among others, in fighting crimes.
Currently, the NIS is actively involved in the National Border Drill exercise. Furthermore, the Service is currently deploying the eBorder facility across formations. It has a robust Command and Control Centre equipped with modern IT facility with which its eBorder assets are deployed to remote locations such as Illela for online and real time Border surveillance.
Last year 2021, total passenger movement was 1,579,667. This is made up of arrival by land, 163,091, air 993,508 and sea 195,219. Departure by land was 177,352, by air 1,093,518 and sea 88,459.
Within the same period, 148,711 applications for Nigerian visas were received, out of which 147,030 were approved while 1,681 applications were rejected.
As part of efforts to improve Foreign Direct Investments, the NIS introduced the National Visa Policy document (NVP 2020). The policy has, among other interesting features, enabled the it to develop the biometric visa with some peculiar elements for enhanced data collection from holders.
Same last year, the NIS issued 1,041,537 standard Nigerian passports to Nigerians at home and abroad that applied for them. It also issued 2,811 official and 895 diplomatic passports, 14,214 Emergency Travel Certificates (ETC) and 150 refugee passports.
Working with the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) on Passport administration and issuance, the NIS has greatly assisted with identity management. Today the details of holders of the enhanced ePassport have been harmonized with their details in NIMC in line with government’s single data policy. This development has been so helpful in the fight against identity theft and clumsy documentation. We can now track and trace the travel history of any traveller that have made use of any of our crossing points.
The Nigeria Immigration Service has therefore lived up to its billing in border security and management, deploying the needed personnel and latest technology to speed up the entry of the desirable people that will do us good and keep away persons that are likely to cause us any harm.
The core mandate of the Nigerian Correctional Service (NCoS) is safe custody of those legally interned; the reformation, rehabilitation and reintegration of convicts serving terms. This makes the NCoS the end point in criminal justice administration. The custodial centres are meant to administer penal treatment to offenders in the bid to reduce crime in the society and keep people and their property safe.
The NCoS has been able to keep the inmates in safe custody and prevented any jailbreak from inside.
Although a few of the custodial centres of recent have suffered a spate of unprovoked but cowardly attacks, thankfully, that is clearly behind us now. We have been able to strengthen the custodial facilities with very tough measures. They are now strong, well-fortified and impregnable. If anyone or group dares to test our will now, they may not live to regret it.
There are a total of 75,601 inmates, including 1,271 military detainees, in all the nation’s custodial centres. These are made of 74,044 males and 1,557 females. Of this figure, only 19,064 (representing 25 per cent) are convicts. The rest are awaiting trial persons. Of the convicts, 3,150 are on death row waiting for execution because state governors have not assented their execution warrants.
From the above figures, one of the biggest challenges we have in the custodial facilities therefore is the awaiting trial persons constituting a whopping 75 per cent of the inmates population and disproportionately usurping resources and space. Once again, I will like to appeal to state governments to speedy up the justice delivery system so that justice will be quickly delivered for them.
Many of them have been in detention for periods longer than the maximum jail terms prescribed for the offences they were alleged to have committed. Justice delayed for these detainees is justice denied.
Prosecution and defence counsels also deliberately ask for long adjournments (as delay tactics meant to wear each other out) and obtain advantage for their sides. This should be discouraged. There should be a judicial reform that will bring all criminal cases to an end within a specific period once trial begins, as obtains in some other countries. This will clearly eliminate the unsavoury state of long and seemingly indeterminate detention periods for awaiting trial persons.
At the outbreak of COVID-19, the government initiated a programme of amnesty and pardon, leading to the release of some inmates, whose crimes were not serious, and on compassionate ground. The government paid the fine for some while others were released based on old age or sickness. I am happy to say that not a single case of infection was recorded in any of our facilities, even as the disease raged worldwide and wreaked untold havoc across the globe.
In August 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari signed into law the Nigerian Correctional Services Act to repeal the Prisons Act with the prime aim of refocusing the mandate from its retributive and punitive thrust to correction and reformation. This has realigned the orientation and functions of the NCoS to include:
(a) Taking custody of all persons legally interned;
(b) Providing safe, secure and humane custody for inmates;
(c) Conveying remand persons to and from courts in motorised formations;
(d) Identifying the existence and causes of anti-social behaviours of inmates;
(e) Conducting risk and needs assessment aimed at developing appropriate correctional treatment methods for reformation, rehabilitation and reintegration;
(f) Implementing reformation and rehabilitation programmes to enhance the reintegration of inmates back into the society;
(g) Initiating behaviour modification in inmates through the provision of medical, psychological, spiritual and counselling services for all offenders, including violent extremists;
(h) Empowering inmates through the deployment of educational and vocational skills training programmes, and facilitating incentives and income generation through Custodial Centres farms and industries;
(i) Administering Borstal and related institutions;
(j) Providing support to facilitate the speedy disposal of cases of persons awaiting trial; and
(k) Performing other functions as may be required to further the general goals of the Service.
The NCoS has been able to keep the inmates in safe custody through the implementation of reformation and rehabilitation programmes to enhance the reintegration of inmates back into the society.
As we speak, there are 1,082 registered students in our various custodial centres studying for Ordinary Level GCE, degree and postgraduate degree courses. Five of them are studying for Ph.D. We have also recorded 74 degree courses graduates.
The NCoS has thus contributed significantly to national security by taking offenders into lawful custody and preparing them to be better citizens.
The Federal Fire Service (FFS) has the mandate for the safety and protection of lives and property. It had a fitful presence in Lagos and its services were extended to Abuja when the Federal Capital was moved here. But happily since the advent of the Muhammadu Buhari administration, its presence has been extended to all the states of the federation. The FFS personnel and equipment are ubiquitous presence in all the states of the federation, complementing state governments.
This has seen the FFS expand its human and material infrastructure with the establishment of six additional training schools, all totalling eight; one in each of the geo-political zones i.e. Maiduguri, Kankia, Ilorin, Umuahia, Ilesha and Calabar.
It has also procured 106 modern firefighting trucks which were distributed across the country. Others are 44 state-of-the-art firefighting trucks, 15 water tankers, 15 Rapid Intervention Fire Engines, 20 basic life support ambulances, an hydraulic platform and two Firefighting motorbikes.
These were commissioned and deployed across the six geopolitical zones in the country to complement the State Fire Services operations.
In March 2021, we commissioned an aerial firefighting equipment designed for skyscrapers in Lagos. It was the first of its kind in Nigeria. We selected Lagos because it has the largest concentration of skyscrapers and consequently the most demand.
The deployment of these infrastructure has reduced damages and loss from fire incidents and other emergencies between 2019 and 2022 and also reduce the response time to emergencies from 15 to 10 minutes.
The FFS is also constructing 13 metropolitan fire stations in all the geopolitical zones, including Abuja, and are at different stages of completion.
Eight National Fire Alert Data Repository Centres (NFADRC) were established across the six geo-political zones of the country to enhance speedy response to emergency calls.
As a result of these innovations and development, the FFS has been able to respond to 1,761 fire emergency call in the first and second quarters of 2022. It saved 185 lives, rescued 83 people and salvaged property worth N273.7 billion.
Our challenges at firefighting include obtrusive and unhelpful onlookers at fire incident scenes who sometimes make access to fire scenes difficult. Our other challenge is from touts and undesirable elements that attack firemen and damage their trucks and equipment at fire scenes. We are therefore putting together armed escorts to accompany firefighting trucks to fire scenes to deter these elements.
Without doubt, the Muhammadu Buhari administration has done more for the Federal Fire Service than what all the previous governments had done for it since inception its creation in 1901.
The Citizenship and Business Department in the Ministry, from 2019 till date, has processed and granted 1,219 business permits, 2,706 expatriate quotas, renewed 7,424 expatriate quotas and received 83,263 marriage applications.
The Ministry of Interior has fulfilled its mandate of maintaining internal security through its four agencies and has also contributed to economic development by facilitating the entry, operations and establishment of foreigners and foreign firms to do business in Nigeria.
The security challenges we are facing were exacerbated by the restrictions and deprivations of COVID-19, in spite of government’s ameliorative measures. But we shall continue to protect the lives and property of Nigerians and foreigners in our midst. We shall continue to work for the peace of the nation and deter elements that constitute threats to the people. We shall bear the full powers of the government to secure every inch of our land. We shall not rest until peace is fully restored in Nigeria.
I thank President Muhammadu Buhari for his presence of mind and the charge he constantly gives us on restoring peace and security to every inch of the land; and for the unprecedented resources he has made available to our Ministry and its agencies.
I thank also all the sister security agencies for their cooperation and assistance at all times.

I thank you all for your kind attention.


Good morning gentlemen, and thank you for honouring our invitation to this joint press conference, to be addressed by the Honourable
Ministers of Defence (Maj.-Gen. Bashir Magashi, rtd), Interior (Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola) as well as Police Affairs (Alhaji Mohammed Dingyadi), and moderated by the Minister of Information and Culture (Alhaji Lai Mohammed). This is the first in a series of briefings that we hope to make a regular event, in the face of the security challenges facing our great nation.

2. At today's briefing, the Honourable Minister of Defence will speak first, followed by the Honourable Minister of Police Affairs and then Interior. We will then take your questions.

3. As you are all aware, the issue of security has dominated our national discourse in recent times, against the background of the terrorism, banditry and kidnapping in the North-East, North-West and North Central; separatist violence and crude oil theft in the South-East and South-South as well as cultism, armed robberry and sundry crimes in the South-West.

4. Today, we are here to tell you that while we may not be there yet, our military and other security agencies have succeeded - and are succeeding - in substantially restoring security across the nation. As far as the daunting security challenges we face are concerned, we can tell you that the worst is over. Never again will terrorists and bandits and their cohorts hold sway in our country.

5. As I said at a summit organized by the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations in Abuja on Aug. 23rd 2022, President Muhammadu Buhari's directive to the military to crush those terrorising our citizens is working, hence peace and security are gradually being restored to the country. Let me quote Mr. President himself on his directive to the military: ‘‘Judging by the available reports to me and news that have begun emerging in the last few days, I will say they have heard this instruction and are responding appropriately. In the past couple of days, you must have heard about the number of
terrorists neutralized by the military, and number of hostages freed.
These efforts will not stop, or reduce. We must take the fight to the terrorists and demonstrate that there is no hiding place for them within the borders of our country. Each one of them will be hunted, and pursued and spoken to in the language that they understand.’’ End of quote. These are great words of assurance, coming directly from the President and Commander-in-Chief himself.

6. The security challenges we have face, as an Administration, have been daunting - from terrorism to banditry to kidnapping to separatist
violence to crude oil theft to armed robbery and sundry crimes. It's undoubtedly the greatest challenge to the peace and security of our
great nation since the civil war from 1967 to 1970. It is the kind of challenge that would have overwhelmed many nations. But thanks to the purposeful leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari, we can say, I want to repeat, that the worst is over and peace and security are gradually returning to the land. Please don't misunderstand or misrepresent this assertion. We may still witness isolated cases of
security challenges here and there, but it will not be on the scale that we have witnessed in the past.

7. We want to use this opportunity to salute Mr. President for his leadership. When many threw their arms up in the air and felt it was all over, President Buhari remained resolute. When many called for the use of foreign mercenaries to tackle the challenges, especially terrorism and banditry, President Buhari never wavered in his belief in the ability of our gallant men and women in uniform to rise to the
occasion, and rise to the occasion they did. Some said the security challenges have overwhelmed the military, but the military has now demonstrated that no group of ragtag criminals can ever overwhelm them. Terrorists and bandits and co can run but cannot hide, and this has been demonstrated by the arrest of those who attacked a church in Owo. These criminals can run but cannot hide, as we have seen in the decimation of the cowards who ambushed the Brigade of Guards troops in Abuja. I am sure you will hear from my colleagues how our military and other security agencies have been decimating the top echelon of ISWAP and Boko Haram, how armed bandits camps and resources have been destroyed, and how the capacity of IPOB/ESN has been substantially degraded.

8. Please note that whereas in conventional warfare, the parties can declare a truce or cessation of hostilities, upon reaching an agreement, it is not the same for the kind of unconventional warfare that our military has been fighting in recent years. We are therefore not saying the battle is over. No. What we are saying is that our military and other security agents have been able to contain the
daunting security challenges we face, and that the worst is indeed over. We have now put the terrorists, bandits and their ilk on the run and we will not relent until they have been crushed.

9. Gentlemen, please permit me to use this platform to commend all the men and women of our military, police, Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Force, Immigration, Customs, Nigerian Correctional Service, intelligence agencies, etc, for their sacrifice and patriotism. May I also appeal to all our compatriots to continue to support the security agencies in their onerous task of keeping our country safe. We must
also realize that security is the business of everyone, hence the tagline 'if you see something, say something.' Terrorists or bandits are not spirits. They are human beings, and some of them reside in our communities. They must all be exposed and crushed for peace to reign.

10. Finally, I want to commend the media for continuing to carry out its constitutionally-mandated watchdog role in this regard. May I, however, call on the media to also endeavour to give a big play to the recent successes recorded by our security agencies in tackling terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, separatist violence and oil theft, among others, just as they gave prominence to the reporting of the security challenges at their peak. It is instructive that when the terrorists and bandits strike, they get very prominent mention in the media, but when the security agencies hit them hard, as they are doing now, a section of the media suddenly goes quiet. This is not helpful for the morale of the fighting forces and even the citizens.

11. I thank you all for your kind attention. I will now call on the Honourable Minister of Defence to make his presentation

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