Shiloh 2021 Day 4- More Than a Conqueror
Testimony by Princess J.O Osifo
Shiloh 2021!!!
My name is Princess J.O Osifo,
God has turned my captivity at last, as a daughter of this Commission and of the Prophet I have come to return all Glory to the God who makes all things beautiful in its time.
God has been good and kind to me. ChurchGist. But in 2015 there was a siege precisely on my birthday, June 10 2015, there was a clamp down on me and everything I have ever worked for was taken from me, I was thrown out of my houses, I was mocked behind my back by backbiters, I was stripped off of everything. ChurchGist. But I had my Joy intact and my trust in God backed up with strong Faith, same 2015 June - July the wonder double began and my Pastor then, Pastor Isacc Folaji, encouraged us to key into it, brethren I dived into it with everything in me. I set up a team, we stormed the street harvesting souls for God, it became my business as God employed me, I became a cell minister and we grew our cell, in fact our cell became one of the best cells in Effurun Church at the time.
I became a zonal minister, God inspired us to set up Outreaches, paying people school fees, scholarship, building for God, doing all sort of things for God. ChurchGist. I saw idol worshippers give their life to Christ, I carried Satanic powers and Satanic pot and instrument to my pastor for destruction and now three idol shrines became home cell in Ekpan Community in Delta State. Also, 70% of our convert were established in the Church, some became home cell leaders on the completion of their WOFBI.
November 2015 while returning from my morning raid I had an encounter when the Holy Spirit, he woke me up and told me to write the idea I have in the Gas sector, I was already big in the AGO and PMS Sector but that was blocked. One of the things he told me was for me to do a mail to the Qatar Government, I was amazed Qatar Government.
Fast forward to last year 2020, I got a massive turn around and God and Lifted me high in my Business and I own a private Jet today.
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