It appears that you Yankees are as confused as the autumn morning and a victim of your own obsession for power and control.
If you want the killing of innocent people to stop in Nigeria or elsewhere and if you truly desire world peace then get rid of your monumental appetite for money laundering, thievery, misappropriation of public funds, stealing and corruption through contrived and premeditated foreign wars and conflicts, stop supporting and funding the genocide in #Gaza and turmoil in the Middle East, stop giving Israel a free pass on all her atrocities, bring peace to Ukraine and reign in #NATO, get rid of Zelenksy, build bridges with Russia, desist from troubling the #EU, stay in your lane, mind your business and stop interfering in the affairs of other countries, jail your neocons, dismantle and destroy your Deep State and military industrial complex, incarcerate Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Antony Fauci, Bill Gates, Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, George Soros and Kamala Harris, release ALL the MLK, JFK and Epstein files and finally repent of your evil ways and turn to God.
Do all these things and not only will your country become a better place but peace will return to the world.
One more photo below.
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