Galina Trefil has recently gone viral on social media after sharing claims that her father, who is near death at age 86, has confessed to numerous homicides. He reportedly has hundreds of diaries documenting most of his life and some of his entries are beyond appalling.
Galina said that her father stated he has taken approximately one life a month from 1965 to 1999. She has even gone as far as claiming knowledge of multiple burial sights through her father's confessions. She is sharing pictures of her father next to the most famous sketch of the zodiac killer. Her father was that age during the incidents in San Francisco. She stated he doesn't focus on those passings as much as he does about a dozen others.
Dr. Jon Charles Trefil is the subject of these claims. In multiple Facebook posts, Galina has stated her father took lives in California (mainly Mendocino,) Sonoma, San Francisco, Marin and Alameda Counties. She has also stated Jon, who was originally from Illinois where he studied to be a doctor, preyed on victims in Illinois, Virginia, Oregon and Idaho.
Galina shared that she has all of her father's journals where he speaks of some of the homicides. She also says she has a knife he used in some of the incidents and a bottle of poison which she says she has attempted to turn over to police.
Galina says she has spoken to and has also been interviewed by over 40 different agencies over the years and despite what she feels is overwhelming evidence they will not go forward in investigating her claims further.
Galina even went so far as to give some pretty exact locations saying a number of remains were dumped on the "13 curves" along Highway 20, specifically between the 4.5 and 5 mile marker. This area has never been searched. She also claimed her father had cabins and t*rt*re chambers where he would take his victims and that she knows the locations of these.
Dr. Jon Trefil is seen in the third picture shared below speaking to a psychologist/author. Jon's daughter has stated that her father is very afraid of men but he is willing to speak to author Kelli Arnold about different ways he t*rt*red his victims. Kelli Arnold also has read the fully unredacted journals. She has been studying this particular case for half of a decade.
One of the more damning pieces of evidence is the fact that there is solid proof that Dr. Jon Trefil wrote to the San Francisco Chronicles and other area newspapers quite frequenty. The zodiac killer also wrote that same newspaper frequently. Jon would rant about things he was enraged with as well as his hatred of the opposite sex. The "ZK" seemed to enjoy writing the SF chronicles as much as Jon.
Galina is frustrated that she has pictures of his "murd*r cabins" that were hidden away showing that individuals were chained to beds. She is wondering why officials don't find that to be alarming.
Although her father is being compliant, she stated that he is having a hard time occasionally as seeing the victims as victims instead of objects. Galina has remained very private with the list of victims her father had written down. She does not want to shock them online and she would rather the FBI handle it. She wants Justice and she says her father's age shouldn't matter.
After the posts went viral, the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office released a statement assuring the public they have been aware of Galina's claims since 2023 and have spoken with her via an advocate. They said they have access to all of Jon's journals and writings and after reviewing them they found "nothing substantial" linking Jon to any homicides. They reference one unsolved murder from the 70's in particular in which Galina claimed her father confessed. There was unidentified male DNA in evidence from the case. They obtained Jon's DNA from a court order and said it was not a match. They also stated Jon's DNA has been admitted to CODIS and as of their press release has not been linked to any unsolved murders. This becomes more confusing when you learn that a victim (according to Jon's journals) was actually discovered by his daughter and researchers. I will write about that a little later in the story.
The sheriff's office also said they visited one of Trefil's "murd*r cabins" where he was said to t*rt*re and murd** his victims. They say they found "no human remains or any evidence that crimes have been committed". Even after their statement, Jon is still pleading to go to the dump sites he knows about before he passes away.
Galina's father spent hours confessing to the lives he took. She finds the "Valkyrie Doe" not only interesting but also she's hopeful that a victim can be identified. She is positive that Valkyrie Doe is the individual that ended her father's killings. Valkyrie was allegedly in her twenties and she wore blonde braids. Jon said it was either in 1999 or 2000 that he convinced the girl to get into his truck. She was reportedly standing in front of a restaurant in Fort Bragg, California. Valkyrie Doe realized at some point between Fort Bragg and Albion while riding in Dr. Trefil's truck, that he was a predator of some sort. She fought back hard. She injured Jon although to this day he will not say where or how she injured him. Jon was 60 at the time and told his daughter as well as other individuals that are researching, that he knew she had to be his last young victim. He said that she almost got away from him. Galina is hoping that the location and the year and the description may help a family find closure. She is also happy it stopped her father's actions.
The recent MCSO statement does not necessarily match up with what Galina has claimed authorities have investigated in relation to her father. In her posts, she seems very open, honest and mainly adamant that her father is a SK. She goes into quite a bit of detail describing her own traumas at the hands of her father. She also shares a handwritten note he wrote her in 2010 where he spoke about sodomization and ending her life.
Just today Galina responded to the Mendocino County's press release by sharing a victim's name for the first time. While trying to keep as much information private so the FBI will hopefully handle notifications to family members, she also feels as if she should let the public know that she found a victim her father wrote about. She said that Jon's diary stated he was responsible for the death of a patient named "Midgett" in Charlottesville, Virginia while he was under his care. She said she went to Charlottesville PD nearly a decade ago and informed them of her findings. In response, according to her, the PD contended the details were too vague and "blew her off". Galina however was able to locate records of the victim on her own through ancestry . com. She says "Midgett" is actually William Flint Midgett. Flint died under her father's care at age 37 in 1980. She told the investigators she believed it was around 1979. Flint was the only patient that was a victim of Dr. Jon Trefil. Jon made an entry stating that his patient died after a dose of a strong sedative. He then noted, "I feel very very relaxed-tired."
Jon claims he never killed his own patients. If anyone ever suspected foul play, the suspicion would fall on the other doctors.
Galina has also stated, "she should not be having to do all of the research. The public also should not be having to do the research on these cases but they are because it's the right thing to do."
She stated Charlottesville PD said her information was "too vague" however she was able to find all the information about the man her father wrote about in 1980, easily and quickly.
Galina has stated pertaining to finding an actual victim's name that correlated with her father's diary entries, "I was advised by Dt. Sam Logan from the Mendocino County Sheriff's Department to allow Athena Bolton, (who now works at the DA's office,) to scan my father's diaries. I complied with the MCSO. I did what I was told. I handed them over. (MCSO) Saying they are of no evidentiary value baffles me." She strives to be respectful of the victims while also trying to get the victim's justice. She also wants to see her father face Justice or at the very least help grieving families have closure.
Galina certainly makes a strong case against her father. But the sheriff's department claims there is no validity. If you feel like going down a rabbit hole, check out Galina Trefel's Facebook page and tell us what you think.
If you believe you know anyone who was affected by this man please call Mendocino County Sheriff's Office at 1-707-463-4086.
Galina is hopeful that sharing these pictures may help jog someone's memory.
Picture below: the doctor and the ZK's most famous sketch. This was the age her father was approximately at the time he claims he was active.
A bed in one of the cabins the doctor told his daughter about.
The doctor speaking to Kelli Arnold.
A bottle of poison his daughter found and reportedly confirmed with her father was involved with his actions.
A picture of Jon when he resided in Illinois and was going to medical school.
A later picture of John when he lived in California.
The numerous journals and files the doctor kept with appalling entries.
The last two photos are of Jon and Galina before she knew his secrets.
More photos below.
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